As the week went on I would get little bits of information about the trip. As when Cheryl told me to make sure I brought a tent. A TENT!!! I am not a camper. But I got my tent and went with it. People would ask me where was going and I had to tell them I have no idea.
Why am I going?
I have no idea.
What are you doing there?
I have no idea.
Do you know anything?
No I don't
Well, once I got to the lovely house in the flat country of the Eastern Shore it was very nice. The friends were nice, the weather was nice, the ticks were..not so nice. I then found out that there was going to be a party with about 40 people there. Wow, what did I do to myself. The Aquanut were going to get back together to play a few pieces. Dan, the guitar player, even ran electricity out to the shed in the backyard in order to hook up his rather nice sound system.
For those of you who know how crazy I am about sleep, I did sleep outside, on the ground, in a tent. I was so tired that I slept quite well, after the band stopped playing.
The next morning everyone pitched in for the family picnic. Close to 50 people came to enjoy the great food and company. It was a good time. Halfway through I did retreat to the back room and watched Bob the Builder with 3 year-old Noah. Ahh that was relaxing.
The band did play two sets and they even let me sing with them. I didn't know the words but neither did they. They were actually quite good. You could tell that they did it for the love of playing, they didn't care how good or bad they sounded. They just wanted to have fun.
It was a crazy, yet relaxing weekend. It's always an interesting time when I leave my comfort zone and go visit people I don't know and attend a party with people I don't know. It was kind of God to give me the grace to make it through without have a mental breakdown over not being in control. I was able to just coast through and actually enjoy not being in control of my schedule, my sleeping arrangements and my food. It could have ended up with me in tears and with a massive headache, but all came out well in the end. Thank you Lord.
Glad you had fun... and if you went to the beach, then it means you went "down-ie oshun, hun."
Eastern shore is fine... lol.
You're in Bawlmore, hun.
Isn't it b'more, hon?
Listen to how I say "Baltimore" next time I say it. I leave out the "t".
It is ridiculous.
Not 100% sure on the "hon" vs. "hun."
Ask Pat or Roe for that.
pat says hon or hun? hmp. he winks, so i guess i wouldnt put it past him.:-)
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