*Warning* the following post makes no sense, it's just a jumble of thoughts.
As I listen to the song, "In the Valley" I can't help to reflect upon God's goodness to me. It is in the valley where his power is revealed.
I have been in the Valley for a long time.
Right now I'm in a physical valley with mountians all around. it's amazing that being in the place that scares me is the best place to be. I've been crying out for an opportunity to grow closer to my savior. I had to get away from the cares of my normal life to be in a place where I have nothing to depend on except my Lord. I'm happy because I have had plenty of time to read his word and reflect upon his wonderous grace through the reflections of other books. I was worried about coming out here for many reasons but I've found it is what I've needed. It has forced me to look up. And in my valley I need to be looking up. But I haven't been. He's taken away all of my distractions. Except a big one about my car, but I can do nothing about it at the moment. So I have to trust him to provide for finances and a place to get it worked on, which is kinda hard since I'm three time zones away. (prayer would help)
What I mean to say is that being here has provided time to read, to pray and meditate on his word.
Let's pray that I can not loose this momentum that I'm getting.
(The picture is of the place where I get to have my quiet times.)
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