Friday, June 8, 2007

This is all for you Michele

Since Michele has decided to link me to her new blog, it's time to actually write something.

Currently I have been listening to the messages from New Attitude. There is so much knowledge in them that it is necessary to listen to them again and again. The room at New Attitude was very cold, the perfect temperature for a nap. So, for many of hte messages it's like I'm listening for the first time. That's why I'm thankful that the folks over at Sovereign Grace are offering them for free. The last message at the conference was by CJ Mahaney. In his message, he instructed us to focus on one thing. The reason behind this is to make sure that you don't overwhelm yourself with too much sanctification. When we begin to see and understand our sin it is very easy to get overwelhmed.

So my one thing is actually a continuation of the one thing that God has been kindly showing me over the past two years. It's the knowledge that everything God has done and is doing is for His glory. It has nothing to do with me. God is big and I am small. He is the Creator and I am the created. He is the Potter and I am the clay.

It has nothing to do with my glory and my happiness, but all for His glory. But the great thing about His glory is that it is for our good. My friend Robin just told me that. What I need to remember is that even when things aren't going the way that I want them to go, it's for my good and ultimately for God's glory.

Till next time, I think I might pull some posts from my old blog. Nothing wrong with reusing my own material. Hee Hee


~M said...


ames said...

YAY!!! you are back!!! i am so excited...:-)