My School is Cool. At least I hope it is and will be.
The White Marsh Mall is doing a program in my area that is pitting a few area schools against each other in order to win a grand prize of $10,000. For every dollar spent at the mall starting August 1st, schools recieve points. The school with the most points wins. Here's the deal, my school, Middleborough, is small and so is my friends school, Oliver Beach, we have no chance against some of these larger ones. So I'm pleading with you guys, if anyone wants to help out shop and put your reciept in the Middleborough or Oliver Beach box. Here's the link if you want more info.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Today I spent the day with my 1st cousin Brendan and his new wife Alexis. We went to Old Tucson, where they shot such films at "The Three Amigos." When we arrived the first monsoon of the day came through. It was a downpour and they were thinking of closing the place. But they stayed open and the three of us ran through the rain to see a show at the main saloon. We started out as the only people in the audience other than the workers coming in out of the rain. After the rain let up, the sun began to shine and we trudged through the mud to see Clint Eastwood sets, and "Little House in the Prairie" dresses. Also a few funny shoot outs and a traveling salesman.
After Old Tucson, we went back through the Saguaro National Park and stopped at an overlook and the view was amazing. (I'll upload those photos tomorrow) Then we saw the next monsoon that was about to hit Tucson with it's awesome lightening. As we drove into town we stopped in a parking spot as we waited for the rain to stop, thinking we could run into the restaurant for lunch, but we didn't stay very long becaue the water started rising to the level of the car doors. The whole area was flooding. We drove to get away and the water kept rising higher and higher. There were rivers rushing through the streets.
We finally made it through the rivers and stopped at a restaurant and ate a pretty good mexican meal. One of Alexis's co-workers came to pick her up and Brendan drove me back to our relatives house to stay. But as we left the rain started again and we had to drive through yet another monsoon and a few other rivers. Then we stayed in until the rains really stopped.
The reason why I put leadership as the title of this post is becuase I saw that quality come out in Brendan today. Brendan is the cousin I don't really know. We would speak at family gatherings, but that's it. I always thought of him as a tad bit wierd and no one that I could talk to. However, today proved different. He is nothing like I expected. He always was looking out for our best interest. He was kind and caring and it wasn't a show, in the past I thought that he would act that way in order to get attention and suck up to various family members. Today I learned that he is a genuine guy. He was more like my dad than I ever realized and I spent the whole day just marveling at how much I wished I had gotten to know him better in the past.
After Old Tucson, we went back through the Saguaro National Park and stopped at an overlook and the view was amazing. (I'll upload those photos tomorrow) Then we saw the next monsoon that was about to hit Tucson with it's awesome lightening. As we drove into town we stopped in a parking spot as we waited for the rain to stop, thinking we could run into the restaurant for lunch, but we didn't stay very long becaue the water started rising to the level of the car doors. The whole area was flooding. We drove to get away and the water kept rising higher and higher. There were rivers rushing through the streets.
We finally made it through the rivers and stopped at a restaurant and ate a pretty good mexican meal. One of Alexis's co-workers came to pick her up and Brendan drove me back to our relatives house to stay. But as we left the rain started again and we had to drive through yet another monsoon and a few other rivers. Then we stayed in until the rains really stopped.
The reason why I put leadership as the title of this post is becuase I saw that quality come out in Brendan today. Brendan is the cousin I don't really know. We would speak at family gatherings, but that's it. I always thought of him as a tad bit wierd and no one that I could talk to. However, today proved different. He is nothing like I expected. He always was looking out for our best interest. He was kind and caring and it wasn't a show, in the past I thought that he would act that way in order to get attention and suck up to various family members. Today I learned that he is a genuine guy. He was more like my dad than I ever realized and I spent the whole day just marveling at how much I wished I had gotten to know him better in the past.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Tumamoc Hill
I woke up this morning at 5:00am (8:00am EST) and left my Great Aunt Lila’s house at 5:30 in order to hike up Tumamoc Hill. Tumamoc is a hill that the University of Arizona has a number of observation posts on. It’s right in the center of Tucson on the west side. They use the hill in order to study the wildlife and the plant life. They let people climb it as long as they are done and off the hill by 7:30am.
Going on a hike was one of the things that I really wanted to do while I was here. This fulfilled that desire. It was lovely weather, there was a slight breeze and I got to hike while the sun was coming up. There were many people that climb this hill and my aunt pointed out a number of who have lost hundreds of pounds.
I will admit that I have a love affair with the Saguaro Cactus. I think that they are the most fascinating things. They are very old. They take a long time to grow. From what I understand is that they need to be at least 70 years old in order to grow an arm. Today I saw one that had at least 15 arms. WOW!!! There were so many of them on the mountain along with the Paolo Verde (green trees) they are fully green, no leaves, just green bark and sticks. I love the diversity of God’s creation. How He causes things to grow. There are these seeds that are on the ground here that only grow and bloom every fifty years when the water level reaches 1 inch below ground. Then all you see is this gorgeous color. It shows how God does have a plan, he plants those seeds and he brings the correct amount of rain every fifty years in order for them to bloom.
I’ve included a link to some more of the pictures I took from the top of the mountain. You can really see all the mountains and the valley that Tucson is in.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
In the Valley
*Warning* the following post makes no sense, it's just a jumble of thoughts.
As I listen to the song, "In the Valley" I can't help to reflect upon God's goodness to me. It is in the valley where his power is revealed.
I have been in the Valley for a long time.
Right now I'm in a physical valley with mountians all around. it's amazing that being in the place that scares me is the best place to be. I've been crying out for an opportunity to grow closer to my savior. I had to get away from the cares of my normal life to be in a place where I have nothing to depend on except my Lord. I'm happy because I have had plenty of time to read his word and reflect upon his wonderous grace through the reflections of other books. I was worried about coming out here for many reasons but I've found it is what I've needed. It has forced me to look up. And in my valley I need to be looking up. But I haven't been. He's taken away all of my distractions. Except a big one about my car, but I can do nothing about it at the moment. So I have to trust him to provide for finances and a place to get it worked on, which is kinda hard since I'm three time zones away. (prayer would help)
What I mean to say is that being here has provided time to read, to pray and meditate on his word.
Let's pray that I can not loose this momentum that I'm getting.
(The picture is of the place where I get to have my quiet times.)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
A Much Needed Vacation
When I take vacations I don’t like to take ones that keep me very occupied with so many activities so that when I’m done with it I need a vacation from my vacation. So I try to plan ones that will be nice and relaxing.
I’m spending this next week in Arizona. It’s a gorgeous state, so different from my home state of Vermont. The skies are clear and the cacti are green. My plane flight was about 6 hours long including all layovers. It was great to have that time because I was able to spend that time reading the many books in my library that I’ve been putting off. I was able to read a few psalms, a prayer from the “Valley of Vision”, a chapter in “Knowing God”, a chapter in “Shopping for Time”, and a few chapters in “Living the Cross Centered Life”. I was very thankful to have that time. Reading all those perspectives helped me to focus on the Grace of God’s Gospel and His greatness.
In “Shopping for Time” the Mahaney girls have a chapter that focuses on the 5:00 am club. To be in this club, you need to wake up early in order to have a quiet time. This is hard for me I’ve tried it and failed. By mid morning I’m so grumpy. But one thing that struck me and made me laugh as I was reading the chapter was that you can train your body to do anything. The example they gave was to travel to a different time zone and it won’t be a problem to wake up at 5:00am or 6:00am depending on what your clubs time is. What I found so funny was that I’m in Arizona so I’m three hours behind my day in Maryland. That means that I’m up at 4:00am or 5:00am if I make myself sleep in. I had a great quiet time this morning out on the back porch of my cousin Susie’s house. The trees and wild life are so different out here. This little creature came to visit me.
That’s not a creature native to the Chesapeake Bay. Neither is the family of Quail that made the treck from the bottom of the gully to the house next door in order to get their breakfast. I couldn’t help but reflect on how kind God is that he gave us such a diverse world. Without it I think we would get bored. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the desert if it were not for the fact that I live in a green state. It makes the beauty so much more enjoyable. I’m going to get ready now to go to the gym and eat some more food. By the way fresh tortillas are THE BEST!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Baby Camille
Baby Camille Myers was born this afternoon. 8 pounds 8 ounces. I'll post a pic when I get one.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Jeanine's Having a Baby
Return of the Aquanuts?
As the week went on I would get little bits of information about the trip. As when Cheryl told me to make sure I brought a tent. A TENT!!! I am not a camper. But I got my tent and went with it. People would ask me where was going and I had to tell them I have no idea.
Why am I going?
I have no idea.
What are you doing there?
I have no idea.
Do you know anything?
No I don't
Well, once I got to the lovely house in the flat country of the Eastern Shore it was very nice. The friends were nice, the weather was nice, the ticks were..not so nice. I then found out that there was going to be a party with about 40 people there. Wow, what did I do to myself. The Aquanut were going to get back together to play a few pieces. Dan, the guitar player, even ran electricity out to the shed in the backyard in order to hook up his rather nice sound system.
For those of you who know how crazy I am about sleep, I did sleep outside, on the ground, in a tent. I was so tired that I slept quite well, after the band stopped playing.
The next morning everyone pitched in for the family picnic. Close to 50 people came to enjoy the great food and company. It was a good time. Halfway through I did retreat to the back room and watched Bob the Builder with 3 year-old Noah. Ahh that was relaxing.
The band did play two sets and they even let me sing with them. I didn't know the words but neither did they. They were actually quite good. You could tell that they did it for the love of playing, they didn't care how good or bad they sounded. They just wanted to have fun.
It was a crazy, yet relaxing weekend. It's always an interesting time when I leave my comfort zone and go visit people I don't know and attend a party with people I don't know. It was kind of God to give me the grace to make it through without have a mental breakdown over not being in control. I was able to just coast through and actually enjoy not being in control of my schedule, my sleeping arrangements and my food. It could have ended up with me in tears and with a massive headache, but all came out well in the end. Thank you Lord.
As I am continuing in my One-year Bible Reading Plan, I find myself in Ecclesiastes. I have always enjoyed this book, I always come away with new knowledge of God and his Character. I'm not saying that I don't learn anythig from other sections of scriptures, but for some reason book speaks clearly to me. This is what I read today.
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15:
"I percieved that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away." (ESV)
What struck me about this section of scripture today is that it is proclaiming God's sovereign plan. God does all things, nothing is new, He's got it all in control. And whatever He does is for His glory. "God has done it, so that people fear before him" God isn't out there doing things in order to make us happy, he is doing things in order to bring himself glory. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 9:10.
These are good truths to have in place. It's good for me because I have such an inward, me focus. How can things benefit me, what's the best for me. These scriptures remind me that it's not all about me. It's about a sovereign God who sent His Son to die on a cross for my sins all to bring glory to His name.
The other cool things is that at the end of this passage it states that "God seeks what has been driven away." God's not going to let us run to far away from Him before He come chasing after us. That's a blessing.
Ecclesiastes 3:14-15:
"I percieved that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away." (ESV)
What struck me about this section of scripture today is that it is proclaiming God's sovereign plan. God does all things, nothing is new, He's got it all in control. And whatever He does is for His glory. "God has done it, so that people fear before him" God isn't out there doing things in order to make us happy, he is doing things in order to bring himself glory. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight." Proverbs 9:10.
These are good truths to have in place. It's good for me because I have such an inward, me focus. How can things benefit me, what's the best for me. These scriptures remind me that it's not all about me. It's about a sovereign God who sent His Son to die on a cross for my sins all to bring glory to His name.
The other cool things is that at the end of this passage it states that "God seeks what has been driven away." God's not going to let us run to far away from Him before He come chasing after us. That's a blessing.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Living Room is Done
Monday, July 2, 2007
Red Wall
I'm getting my house painted for the first time today. I have spent that last seven years in various rental apartments. Some of the apartments did give the option to paint my room but I never took it upon myself to do it. The reason is that I'm afraid of colors on walls. I don't want to put a color on the wall only to hate it in the end.
But today is the day and not only am I putting color on the wall, I decided to go RED!!! So here's a picture of my Red Wall. (Apparently Red Wall is also the name of a good book according to Aaron who's helping with the painting.)
I also included a few pictures of the work in progress, later tonight I'll show the finished product.

But today is the day and not only am I putting color on the wall, I decided to go RED!!! So here's a picture of my Red Wall. (Apparently Red Wall is also the name of a good book according to Aaron who's helping with the painting.)
I also included a few pictures of the work in progress, later tonight I'll show the finished product.
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