This had been a very interesting week for me.
TMJ is my new friend so I am unable to open my jaw more than a centimeter. I'm calling is my forced fast. God does sometimes take us by the hand and makes us do things we've been neglecting. And since I am unable to eat solid or crunchy food I have to take a break from foods I love.
The other thing that happened is that one of my cats, Verde, who I have had for 6 years (I think) passed away. I woke up on Tuesday morning to find him in distress. It was not pretty, but I am grateful for God helping me through it. He provided a good friend from work who had the day off to help me wade through the fateful vet visit and subsequent cleaning of my house.
I can say that this death was not as surprising as it could have been. God had been preparing me over the recent months and week that it might happen soon. I had just had a conversation with a friend about how if Verde died soon I would be ready. He wasn't always the healthiest of animals. He had a habit of vomiting. YUCK!! His habit was so prevalent that when I came home this evening I walked in the door and thought..."Man, I hope I don't have to clean anything up!" But now I won't have to worry about that. But I have to thank God again, and again that he prepared me so the grieving process was much easier. I was prepared.
I'll miss him. He was so cute and always had to claim his spot on my lap and on my head. He was afraid of heights. Loved to be held and loved to be loved. He was not your typical cat. The first time I saw him, he was in the Humane Society cowering in a corner because he was scared of all the people. As soon as I saw him, I knew that he was going to be my cat. Where my other cat Monte choose me, I got to choose Verde. I don't know how old he was when I got him, he was full grown. I can only guess. He was an old man. But he was cute.
One of my favorite pastimes was to make voices for him. (All of you know that you do it too.) Many time he was Eeyore. Slow and steady with a low voice. Definitely not the hyper one. He never knew quite what was going on.
I'll miss you Verde. I thank God for letting me have you as my cat.
I'm sorry Kris...Pets become part of our families and I know it's hard. While Verde was with you, no doubt he was loved and cared for!
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