Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What I Learned from Holly Kent

A woman from my church passed away last week from cardiac arrest as she was recieving dialysis.  Holly was a spitfire and consistently joyful person.  I was priviledged to have a number of interactions with her throughout my years at the church.  By the time I met her she was already wheelchair bound and was having to take regular trips to recieve dialysis.  She had this crazy southern drawl and a laugh that was contagious.  She would enter the room and energy would follow.  She went to the Alpha classes at my church and I would always see her as she was leaving.  I guess that's where I first met her.  We would have small talk, not sure what we would say but she would more than likely exclaim about God's kindness, and how he was teaching her something new.  This would be followed by a crazy laugh. 
Holly also sang in the Christmas and Easter choirs.  I knew that I could count on her to provide some entertainment during rehearsals when we were supposed to be paying attention.  If there was one person that could get me off track, it was her.  But it was good natured and we had fun.  
But the thing that I'm learning from her is that God does provide grace in all circumstances.  Holly was never in good health as long as I knew her, but you wouldn't know it by her conversation.  She did not complain, she did not worry.  Her joy was evident to all.  She could have been in massive amounts of pain but there was no mention of it.  God had graced her with the ability to take it all and praise God in spite of herself and her circumstances.  She lived Philippians 4.  I think it is appropriate that I have been reading that chapter for the past few days.  I admit that I've been struggling with God's promises that He will supply all of our needs.  In light of this I think that God would be calling me to reflect on how he provided joy for Holly in worse circumstances than my own.  So that I can thank him for what he has provided for me.  
I look forward to the day that I see her in heaven as she is now dancing and rejoicing in her savior.  It was great to be at her memorial service and be able to rejoice and not be sad.  For we know that her life has just begun and God has said "Well done, Good and Faithful Servant."


ames said...

K- that was a beautiful eulogy for Holly. I have been reflecting on similar things. particularly the not complaining and how joyful she was...It is so easy to reflect on the hard stuff in life, the trials and circmstances, and think "woe is me, all sucks." But...she was an example of how to live in the circumastances "praying always and with thanksgiving". I think she will be missed far nore than people realized whe she was with us...at least I am realizing how much i will miss her.

ames said...

but...like you sai..yay! for when we will dance with her in heaven!!

~M said...

So..... when are you going to post again?